Board Member Application

Main Street Pontiac is committed to a culture of diversity and inclusion.

MSP endeavors to have a board that is diverse, reflective of the community, and that possesses the necessary skill sets to assure that Main Street can effectively fulfill its purpose.


Thank you for volunteering to serve your business community. This guideline is designed to provide you with information regarding your roles and responsibilities as a Main Street Pontiac Board member. By accepting this volunteer position, you are committing to participate in fulfilling the mission of Main Street Pontiac through volunteer service, fundraising, and program participation. Main Street Pontiac and its board members are business leaders, residents, and community organizers. Creating positive and impactful changes in Pontiac’s downtown requires working with government officials, other nonprofit organizations, residents and local business owners to ensure the success of the downtown.

Mission Statement

Main Street Pontiac is a volunteer-led non-profit organization that is fostering a vibrant, safe, and inclusive historic downtown for current and future generations.  We will engage and collaborate with our community partners to promote a positive image, support economic development, create an inviting atmosphere, and preserve the historic character of downtown Pontiac through the use of the proven strategies of the National Main Street Program.

Board Member Nomination & Application Process

Qualified applicants must complete and submit the online application for consideration by majority board vote.


1. Volunteer with MSP minimally 6 or more months before being recommended for Board position.

2. Strategic alignment with open board seat (i.e. business owner, strategic organization affiliation, resident, government)

3. Fundraise an average of $1,000 annually.

4. List organizational affiliations with other current or past MSP board members.

5. Willing to spend 3-5 hours per week volunteering/chairing for MSP

6. Willing to take a board oath.

General Roles & Responsibilities

  • Board Directors will serve a 3-year term, unless replacing a current director who has resigned or left for other reasons, in which case the new Director will fill out the previous Director’s term.
  • It is important for every member to be aware of the time, energy, and commitment that is involved in being a member of Main Street Pontiac Board of Directors.
  • A BOD member must notify the President and if applicable the Manager if he/she cannot attend a meeting.
  • BOD members are required to actively volunteer on one of the four standing committees.
    Design, Organization, Promotions, Economic Development.
  • Every Board member is expected to contribute to problem-solving efforts, to further the growth of Main Street Pontiac.
  • Each member works in the spirit of compromise and negotiation in order to reach consensus when possible.
  • Members are asked to be thoroughly prepared for each Board meeting by carefully reading the Board meeting agenda and any additional information sent to you by email in advance.
  • Members are asked to keep up to date on information relating to board interest areas, including outside influences.
  • Members shall not represent their individual views through any contacts they have with the media as being representative of the MSP Board.  
  • BOD members are often privy to confidential information. Members are expected to keep all information shared within Main Street Pontiac confidential unless related to public initiatives.


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