Main Street Pontiac uses the proven strategies of Main Street America in order to foster a vibrant, safe, and inclusive historic downtown for current and future generations. Economic Vitality, which is at the core of every Main Street community, involves taking a proactive, collaborative approach to building and growing a diverse economic base through smart new investment, cultivating a robust ecosystem for small businesses, focusing on the unique assets of a community, and fostering equity and inclusion to create an environment to help build local wealth.


Main Street Pontiac is focusing much of its effort on Economic Vitality by applying the recommended steps of the National Main Street Organization. These steps are: creating an inventory of Pontaic’s building and businesses; surveying business owners, residents, community members, and other stakeholders to establish a baseline understanding of Pontiac’s strengths, needs, and growth opportunities; and inviting entities such as city government, economic development agencies, coalition groups and others to join MSP’s revitalization efforts.

Several Main Street Pontiac projects have been initiated through the Economic Vitality Committee that is made up of our community partners.

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